Safe & Sane is the outcome of a single man's investment, long-held vision and wish to develop an international psychological support practice of high-quality mental health care and the support treatment each Adult, Child and Family needs.

Over and above, the Practice's founder and his team is set to make sure that each service speaks excellence from start to finish.

Safe & Sane has been built to create a multilingual international practice for anyone, anywhere and anytime. Without discrimination, setting boundaries for financial status, the severity of diagnosis and symptoms, racial background, or sexual orientation and age difference. With primary language conducted in English.

It took about 10 years of passionate education, diverse practice, endless painstaking hours, and remarkable emotional strength to be able and design this inexpensive and affordable International Mental Health Practice. Where Safe & Sane, is ready to welcome its first Clients, Families and Organisations.

Story to tell

NIP number: 238165

Skender Llanaj

I am originally from Albania, but I was raised in Greece, while currently residing in The Netherlands. Since 18 years of age, I traveled mostly in Europe for educational and occupational matters. I earned my bachelor's degree with honours in psychology from Cardiff Metropolitan University, my first master's degree in Clinical Psychology from Erasmus University, and my second master's degree in Work & Organizational Psychology from Vrije University. Before beginning to practice Acceptance and Commitment therapy (ACT) and expanding my therapeutic methods by adopting a mindfulness-based approach, I started my profession by learning, understanding, and implementing the fundamentals of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Schema Focused Therapy (SFT). Each one of the therapies used by Safe & Sane is a scientifically based therapy which had numerous studies testing and retesting the above therapeutic treatments. Furthermore, I have an extensive education in Burn-Out, but also identify and diagnose Team processes in organizations, the craft of Negotiation, Personality at work, Leadership in Organisations, and Work & Health to provide an extensive quality service to professionals regardless of hierarchy or occupation.

Lastly, I tailor my strategies and therapeutic approach to each individual I work with since my experience as a psychologist has taught me that there is no "one-size-fits-all" solution.

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Psychologist and Founder

  • MSc - Clinical Psychology

    MSc - Work & Organisational Psychology

    BSc - (Hons) Psychology

    • English

    • Greek

    • Albanian

Our approach

At Safe & Sane our universal approach perceives and works with the persistent interaction between Mind, Body and Soul in an individual involvement.

  • Coast-to-coast our approach perceives, and engages in a ceaseless interaction between Mind, Body and Soul in each independent human experience. Even if they have come to rule your life, your health and the events that led you to treatment. This does not entirely define who you are. You should consider this as a journey.

    Big or Small, each victory is a success. Focusing on singular aspect such as symptoms, behaviors, personality or life. Your treatment might be as short as possible. In order to form your recovery, together with your therapist you need to recongise, catch and pinpoint the influences of your current life, and individual history.

  • We don't subject you to a predetermined program. We treat you like the special person that you are.

    While we will never take standard approach, we will use scientifically based therapies where we believe they will be effective for you. We will work together, and be ready to modify each approach we take as we progress.

    To work effectively together, we begin by getting to know each other well and developing trust. Each adventure, must begin with a good partnership. This means, we believe in a healthy therapeutic relationship.

    The therapist will carefully collaborate with you on an individual basis to build the most accurate picture of how your pain, mental, physical and emotional health abnormalities are affecting you, and the people in your surrounding. In order to help you create a recovery that is wholly your own, but also the one we both believe has the highest potential of continuing beyond treatment. We draw on our experience and knowledge.

    We will work with you to set up the resources required to continue your recovery with a last goal of being Safe & Sane.

About Us - Safe and Sane

Education & Practice

Healing has various features, just like grey colour can have 255 shades. We educate our clients the significance of good sleep, physical condition, negative automatic thoughts & stress management to support their path in a happy and healthy long lasting life.

  • Our dietician will examine your eating and dietary habits as part of evaluating every element of your health and wellbeing. Then a plan will be develop that is specific to your needs. The goal is for you to establish healthy meals and eating habits ,that you can use now and carry with you into your post-treatment life.

  • Research highlighting the value of restful sleep is progressively accumulating. We are aware the quality of sleep has an impact on mood, and mood regulation is crucial to our mental health. The general health is impacted by poor sleep as well. After having a grasp into any sleep-difficulties you may be experiencing, we will work together to integrate healthy, sleep-friendly behaviors into your daily routine.

  • The goal of stress management would be to strike a balance between the demands we let other individuals to impose on us, or those we place on ourselves and our capacity to meet those same demands. Fitness is threatened by excessive expectations. In return the same needs are increased by insufficient healthy body.

Education and Practice - Safe and Sane

Treatment & Recovery

  • Under no circumstances we consider mental health difficulties, and its negative effects without also considering how vitally creative treatment and wellbeing recovery is. When someone is in recovery, they are once again able to experience themselves freely, as they truly are. Additionally, recovery is something to embrace and enjoy rather than suffer from.

    We devote careful consideration to the treatment's smooth operation as a whole, because it plays a significant role in the therapeutic experience. The specific treatments we have at our disposal were chosen with good reason due to the genuine difference we know they can make in the healing process. However, this never stops there, along the way we will figure out together what works best for you.

  • Your therapist will serve by guiding you with your own lead and support you throughout your stay, consulting numerous mental health associations and academic studies, as required to make sure you get the best Mental Health Care possible. You will determine during these sessions how other accessible therapies might aid in your treatment.

  • Beyond doubt, it does not mean the therapist will automatically go along with your opinion, or keep away from commenting on your views over any matter, and your individual perspectives, which in return will be self-destructive or harming your treatment program. Instead, the therapist will take an non-judgmental stand in these difficult moments in a sensitive, compassionate and empathic manner.

    You can put your trust in your therapist without risk because the relationship which will be built, is with a qualified professional who is required to adhere to a rigid code of ethics by The Netherlands Psychological Association (NIP) and, British Psychological Association (BPS) . This way the therapist will be able to give you what you require, and provide the support you need.

    Although, this is a very different form of interaction, what you will discover about yourself, may nonetheless have a positive impact on relationships you have outside of therapy in your everyday life. You must be willing to participate in the therapeutic relationship, and accept responsibility for your own ideas, attitudes and behaviour for it to be effective.

Each session reunites the individual with their true self. At Safe & Sane we offer tailored made treatment programs designed to meet your individual needs in short time as counselling, but also long term in form of psychotherapy. All depending on each case.

Treatment and Recovery - Safe and Sane